
DMFC is a 100% volunteer community of great people interested in fencing.  We appreciate each and every person who steps up to help in any way, so thank you for making this amazing consideration.  We are constantly in need of new volunteers and supporters.  If you are interested in volunteering your time, please let us know.

Assistant Facility Supervisor or AFS – email dmfcpresident@gmail.com to inquire

  • AFS is critical to supporting coaches.  This gives us 2-deep adult supervision anytime a 2nd coach is not available.  This allows our volunteer coaches to take time away for family, work or other reasons while maintaining the ability for DMFC to hold classes for our members.  Encourage all to take part in this as it makes our organization stronger.
  • Take short lesson with one of our coaches, usually less than an hour, then complete the online SafeSport training, also less than an hour.
  • We pride ourselves with 100% SafeSport compliance for all of our volunteer staff.  This ensures a high level of safety for our youth and our staff.
  • SafeSport
  • DMFC AFS Doc

Coaching – email dmfcpresident@gmail.com to enquire

  • We are always looking for Parents and Adults looking to help out.
  • No previous fencing experience required, just patience and a willness to learn.
  • Take a few classes with one of our certified coaches to learn
  • Work towards a USFCA certification

We are also looking for anyone who might be interested in the following volunteer positions:

  • Volunteer Coordinator – Future
  • Marketing & Social Media Coordinator – Future
  • Assistant Armorer – Future

You don’t need to know anything about fencing. We will train you! Please contact dmfcpresident@gmail.com if interested.